Mixture Diffusion for Asset Pricing. (arXiv:1610.01450v1 [q-fin.MF])
This paper proposes a general form of mixture diffusion process to model asset price dynamics, using a mixture of infinite number of parametric diffusions. We show that the underlying asset price...
View ArticleThe Cross-section of Expected Returns on Penny Stocks: Are Low-hanging Fruits...
In this paper, we study the determinants of expected returns on the listed penny stocks from two perspectives. Traditionally financial economics literature has been devoted to study the macro and micro...
View ArticleInformation inefficiency in a random linear economy model....
We study the effects of introducing information inefficiency in a model for a random linear economy with a representative consumer. This is done by considering statistical, instead of classical,...
View ArticleA Duality Result for Robust Optimization with Expectation Constraints....
This paper demonstrates a practical method for computing the solution of an expectation-constrained robust maximization problem with immediate applications to model-free no-arbitrage bounds and...
View ArticleTaylor's Law of temporal fluctuation scaling in stock illiquidity....
Taylor's law of temporal fluctuation scaling, variance $\sim$ $a($mean$)^b$, is ubiquitous in natural and social sciences. We report for the first time convincing evidence of a solid temporal...
View ArticleEfficient Valuation of SCR via a Neural Network Approach. (arXiv:1610.01946v1...
As part of the new regulatory framework of Solvency II, introduced by the European Union, insurance companies are required to monitor their solvency by computing a key risk metric called the Solvency...
View ArticleTrading against disorderly liquidation of a large position under asymmetric...
We consider trading against a hedge fund or large trader that must liquidate a large position in a risky asset if the market price of the asset crosses a certain threshold. Liquidation occurs in a...
View ArticleAdministration Costs in the Management of Research Funds; A Case Study of a...
Research funding agencies routinely use a proportion of their total revenues to support internal administration and marketing costs. The ratio of administration to total costs, referred to as the...
View ArticleMultiple risk factor dependence structures: Copulas and related properties....
Copulas have become an important tool in the modern best practice Enterprise Risk Management, often supplanting other approaches to modelling stochastic dependence. However, choosing the `right' copula...
View ArticleDependent Defaults and Losses with Factor Copula Models. (arXiv:1610.03050v1...
We introduce a class of flexible and tractable static factor models for the joint term structure of default probabilities, the factor copula models. These high dimensional models remain parsimonious...
View ArticleFeasible Invertibility Conditions for Maximum Likelihood Estimation for...
Invertibility conditions for observation-driven time series models often fail to be guaranteed in empirical applications. As a result, the asymptotic theory of maximum likelihood and quasi-maximum...
View ArticleVolatility Smile as Relativistic Effect. (arXiv:1610.02456v1 [q-fin.MF])
We give an explicit formula for the probability distribution based on a relativistic extension of Brownian motion. The distribution 1) is properly normalized and 2) obeys the tower law (semigroup...
View ArticleEpidemics of Liquidity Shortages in Interbank Markets. (arXiv:1610.03259v1...
Financial contagion from liquidity shocks has being recently ascribed as a prominent driver of systemic risk in interbank lending markets. Building on standard compartment models used in epidemics,...
View ArticleBarrier Option Pricing under the 2-Hypergeometric Stochastic Volatility...
The purpose of this work is to investigate the pricing of financial options under the 2-hypergeometric stochastic volatility model. This is an analytically tractable model which has recently been...
View ArticleOption pricing with Legendre polynomials. (arXiv:1610.03086v1 [q-fin.MF])
Here we develop an option pricing method based on Legendre series expansion of the density function. The key insight, relying on the close relation of the characteristic function with the series...
View ArticleOn Origins of Bubbles. (arXiv:1610.03769v1 [q-fin.RM])
We discuss - in what is intended to be a pedagogical fashion - a criterion, which is a lower bound on a certain ratio, for when a stock (or a similar instrument) is not a good investment in the long...
View ArticleFast, Accurate, Straightforward Extreme Quantiles of Compound Loss...
We present an easily implemented, fast, and accurate method for approximating extreme quantiles of compound loss distributions (frequency+severity) as are commonly used in insurance and operational...
View ArticleA remark on Gatheral's 'most-likely path approximation' of implied...
We give a new proof of the representation of implied volatility as a time-average of weighted expectations of local or stochastic volatility. With this proof we clarify the question of existence of...
View ArticleThe Fatou Property under Model Uncertainty. (arXiv:1610.04085v1 [math.FA])
We provide a characterization in terms of Fatou property for weakly closed monotone sets in the space of $\Pcal$-quasisure bounded random variables, where $\Pcal$ is a (possibly non-dominated) class of...
View ArticleTime value of extra information against its timely value. (arXiv:1610.04051v1...
We introduce an interactive market setup with sequential auctions where agents receive variegated signals with a known deadline. The effects of differential information and mutual learning on the...
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