This research aims to explore business processes and what the factors have major influence on electronic marketing and CRM systems? Which data needs to be analyzed and integrated in the system, and how to do that? How effective of integration the electronic marketing and CRM with big data enabled to support Marketing and Customer Relation operations. Research based on case studies at XYZ Organization: International Language Education Service in Surabaya. Research is studying secondary data which is supported by qualitative research methods. Using purposive sampling technique with observation and interviewing several respondents who need the system integration. The documentation of interview is coded to keep confidentiality of the informant. Method of extending participation, triangulation of data sources, discussions and the adequacy of the theory are uses to validate data. Miles and Huberman models is uses to do analysis the data interview. Results of the research are expected to become a holistic approach to fully integrate the Big Data Analytics program with electronic marketing and CRM systems.