This paper presents the solution to a European option pricing problem by considering a regime-switching jump diffusion model of the underlying financial asset price dynamics. The regimes are assumed to be the results of an observed pure jump process, driving the values of interest rate and volatility coefficient. The pure jump process is assumed to be a semi-Markov process on finite state space. This consideration helps to incorporate a specific type of memory influence in the asset price. Under this model assumption, the locally risk minimizing price of the European type path-independent options is found. The F\"{o}llmer-Schweizer decomposition is adopted to show that the option price satisfies an evolution problem, as a function of time, stock price, market regime, and the stagnancy period. To be more precise, the evolution problem involves a linear, parabolic, degenerate and non-local system of integro-partial differential equations. We have established existence and uniqueness of classical solution to the evolution problem in an appropriate class.