The goal of the paper is twofold. On the one hand, we develop the first term structure framework which takes stochastic discontinuities explicitly into account. Stochastic discontinuities are a key feature in interest rate markets, as for example the jumps of the term structures in correspondence to monetary policy meetings of the ECB show. On the other hand, we provide a general analysis of multiple curve markets under minimal assumptions in an extended HJM framework. In this setting, we characterize absence of arbitrage by means of NAFLVR and provide a fundamental theorem of asset pricing for multiple curve markets. The approach with stochastic discontinuities permits to embed market models directly, thus unifying seemingly different modeling philosophies. We also develop a new tractable class of models, based on affine semimartingales, going beyond the classical requirement of stochastic continuity. Due to the generality of the setting, the existing approaches in the literature can be embedded as special cases.